
YMO Income & Expenditure

When the charity was launched in 2014 there were significant overheads to set up the charity framework, policies, governance, recruitment and the first Academy in Jaganathpur, Bangladesh. This was financed by several fundraising launch initiatives targeting the communities of Luton and surrounding towns. Since then the charity has only sought additional donations as and when required for setting up the second academy and the ongoing operational costs which are required to maintain these.

The Bangladesh Orphanage project in 2018-2022 increased our expenditure commitment significantly hence the need for increased fundraising activity in 2020. in 2023 we diversified into Gambia. We are also looking to cast the net further and wider to engage new donors. The YMO Love Luton Marathon is one such community cohesion exhibition aiming to increase the Trust’s exposure, its cause, and entrench goodwill in local communities.