Our optimism, our hope and our belief in our cause drives us to achieve. Our success is not just a collection of our individual achievements. It is our ability to continuously stretch our goals to meet constantly changing needs, often exposed by own successes.
Jaganathpur Academy students showing their gratitude to YMO on one of our visits
Vocational training in sewing for the young adults. These essential skills are taught to improve the chances of the gaining employment.
SISC Orphanage. Here we have some mid day meal packages, funded by YMO Trust, being handed out to the children
Thanks to the generosity of our supporters, the YMO trust has successfully set up and running 2 education academies in Jaganathpur and Gulapganj, Bangladesh.
The first YMO Trust academy in Jaganathpur opened its doors to students in early 2014. Using the experience and success of the first education centre we opened a second smaller one in Gulapganj in April 2016.
The primary objective of YMO Trust is to help those children who have fallen out of the state education system and were at risk of entering into child labour. YMO Trust funds their continuation within the state education system and places these students on a programme of additional classes to make up for the missed time and boost their learning. We also provide exceptional facilities to our students such as a fully equipped IT suite. YMO Trust has now been operating academies in Sylhet for four years, helping more than 100 students. We are proud that our students consistently perform well in their end of year exams with 100% pass rates.
Youth Vocational Training Accreditation
YMO has successfully implemented a programme of vocational training and has received accreditation from the Bangladesh government to operate a youth training scheme and issue nationally recognised certificates.
Courses include such skills as sewing, motor mechanics, IT skills etc..These qualifications are designed to make the participants more attractive to prospective employers
Orphanage Collaboration
In 2018 YMO launched its partnership with SISC Orphanage to provide additional teaching resources, teaching staff and extra nutrition to 500+ orphans. This was a breakthrough moment for the YMO Trust to be able to gain the trust and co-operation of such a big institution.