The number of children in child labour has risen to 160 million worldwide
almost 1 in 10 of all children*
YMO Trust’s mission is to help prevent child labour and empower young people to fulfil their potential through education, vocational training and life skills.
YMO Trust works to help alleviate child labour, where children are forced to work due to social and economic reasons. These children are exposed to situations that make them vulnerable to abuse, violence, slavery, forced and bonded labour, sexual exploitation, used in illicit activities, including drug trafficking and are often denied their rights to education, welfare and childhood.
We operate education academies that assist and support the educational needs of the children at risk of labour, teaches essential life skills and provides vocational training to improve chances of employment.
YMO Trust answers when called upon, to aid communities in need. We have provided pandemic support and various aid and family support projects
In 2023 the trustees decided to branch out its operations to Gambia after the founder director visited and witnessed first hand the deprivation and need. According to UNICEF only 48% of the of population are using safely managed drinking water services and just 31% of the children in Gambia attend primary education*